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Senior bicyclists should always be wary of highway trucking. |
Mens sana in corpore sano. Yes
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
But as we enter the golden years
We notice a definite trade-off of
Physical and mental prowess for
Every additional golden day of
Every additional golden week.
An old joke about getting old:
“Memory is the second thing to
Go. What’s the first? I don’t
Remember.” Well I do remember
And for the sake of gentility, I
Hope not to mention it in this
Essay. I’ll give you a hint: it
Made Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
A solid investment. Until that
Happens, aging is a relatively
Harmless event. Sure, crossword
Devotees notice the increasing
Difficulty in finding the word
They know exists. They can see
It in their minds, but not in
Focus. What was that melody?
It was a favorite. Other losses
Occur—teeth especially—and
They’re not replaced except
Under the most painful of
Procedures. Parts have to be
Replaced. Knees for one, but
Why only the left one? It wasn’t
Hurt any more frequently or
Severely than the right one.
I didn’t take two steps with the
Left for every one of the right.
Some get to replace both at the
Same time—saving the costs
Of an additional procedure but
Paying for it with a modicum
Of additional excruciating pain.
One day the pancreas gets sloppy
With producing insulin when
Required and that complicates
Your life. Or your heart which
Has thumped reliably for seven
Decades decides to skip a beat
Every once in a while. You may
Even feel it under some conditions.
Some of us get taken for a ride
By Lumosity—as if brain function
Were something one could take
To a gym for a workout. Puzzles
Might do the same. Some flex
Their cortices with Sudoku.
Doesn’t your brain get exercised
Enough trying to figure out which
Politician is lying more than the
Others? What about reading novels
Or history? Or writing novels or
History? That makes your brain
Throw sparks again, if you don’t
Fall asleep. Composing music can
Be your salvation if you have the
Ability. But if you have the ability
You know you haven’t lost it on
That front, despite missing teeth
And artificial hips and knees and
A cardiac bypass graft. Best if we
Think these parts are preceding us
Into the next life where they await
Physical sublimation into our new
Being. Is that the silver lining on
The cloud of our accelerating
Dysfunction? Who knows? There
Are always some lucky few who
Stay absolutely undeteriorated
Until they try to occupy the same
Space as an eighteen-wheeler
Doing seventy loaded with
Prostheses, walkers, catheters.
And colostomy bags.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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