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Penultimate suicide--avoidance of the senses |
“I don’t watch, listen to, or read
The news nowadays. What isn’t
Frightening is crap,” someone
Told me recently. I sympathize
But disagree with the tactic. I
Know why people feel this way.
Constant exposure to the terrible
Events taking place around us
Erodes whatever sense of safety
Our parents worked to engender
In us to enable us to function as
Competent adults in a competitive
Society. Maintaining that composure
Can be difficult considering that
“News” is manipulated to achieve
Varied ends. Mark Twain wrote,
“If you don’t read the papers you
Are uninformed. If you do read
The papers you are misinformed.”
A good principle in judging the
Accuracy and honesty of what
You hear or what you see, has been
And still is today is not to rely on
Single sources. The internet provides
A bewildering variety of sources
Among which you will with
Experience and good judgment
Find those you can trust. Keep in
Mind the aphorism so old its source
Is unknown, “Believe only half
Of what you see and none of what
You read.” Media are businesses
And as such are subject to market
Needs and desires. Only the naive
Regard them as natural truth-tellers.
They have all withheld stories
When it is in their interests and
Passed along as news what is
Advertising--the public be damned.
Second, they are powerful voices
Who can promote good or evil
Depending on the whims of their
Owners or who’s paying the piper.
The mechanisms of propaganda,
Disinformation have multiplied and
Become more devious today but
The need for the truth still falls
Equally on each of us. We can’t
Stick our heads in the sand to
Pretend the obvious is not really
There. It’s one thing to be conscious
And confused, quite another to
Prefer ignorance to avoid guilt.
The ancients who fled the cities
To escape corruption, temptations,
And distractions, knew well what
They were leaving to seek purity
In the desert loneliness. Similarly
We cannot continue to reap the
Benefits of our dysfunctional
Society, then pretend we are
Not participants in it. Plugging
Our ears so as not to hear the
Cries of the suffering, or pulling
Shades to blind us to injustice
Removes neither the injustice
Nor the suffering—nor our
Responsibility to act to end
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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