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Of course she's thinking. Maybe that's as much of a smile as her facial muscles allow. Every limb, every feature in the proper place--of course we're related. (Dog is Andy's daughters' Cosette) |
A group calling itself Meta Picture
Posts a lot of images of cute pets--
Dogs, cats, today capybaras--on
Facebook which often I circulate
To the public. They appear to share
My love of animals, particularly
Faces of young animals, newborns
And pups, the period in their lives
Before they become predatory and
Earn their wildness in nature.
Many do not realize how our
Domesticated creatures could
Easily return to the wilderness
If we stopped feeding them.
Quite a few wouldn’t survive,
Having been bred into lapdog
Sedentarity, whose uncontrolled
Fur would mat them into
Immobility in a forest or on
The street. They are wolves
Genetically but so far from
Their roots as predators they
Couldn’t stand up to a contest
With their brethren were we,
Their providers, to disappear
Overnight. The Dodo, another
Site that posts heartbreaking
Stories of rescue and injured
Animals who survive because
Of human kindness are so
Touching they bring me with my
Sappy soft heart to tears as I
Read or watch their videos.
These I rarely circulate because
I often question how they happen
To be in just the right place at
The right time with a camera
And a tripod to film a man who
Lifts a young horse off a broken
Bridge while its mom walks
Alongside. I am cynical enough
To fear these might be staged.
Those I usually don’t share.
I am overwhelmed by the link
Of us and the animals.
Of us and the animals.
Biologists have long taught us
That the basic layout of head,
Tail, arms, legs, front and back
We share across species was a
Product of the flatworms who
Squiggled along the seabeds
Leaving their trail of slime.
When I stare at Loki’s, Sophia’s
Faces, comparing the central
Nose, ears on our heads, eyes
Spaced to see depth, and below
All this our mouths with teeth,
Tongue, and salivary glands,
Their faces lacking the muscles
To shape expression, I am in
Absolute wonder. Their hearts,
Lungs, and inner organs mirror
Mine. They must be conscious
Selves, who look at me, who
Watch me through the day. I
Sense Sophia will take a whack
At the birds who come in (as
There is evidence she has).
Likewise Loki who chases
Squirrels as we walk. I will
Ask, “And what would you
Do if you caught one?” I
Don’t want to think he’d
Shred it on the spot. He
Probably would, rather than
Curl up with it in a nap as
Meta Pictures would proudly
Show. It’s why I thought of
The peaceable kingdom as
My image for a warless world.
Just as we inherited our bodies
From the winnowing of a nature
“Red in tooth and claw” our
Tendency to turn against each
Other shares the same root.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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