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We made and flew--for the most part without electronics |
Making has become a thing
Nowadays. Perhaps it arises from
The first generation of LEGO
Builders getting jobs as editors
And writers. Talking like the
Old guy people think I have
Become, I observe that: In
My day we made things. Used
Hammers, nails, pliers, saws
And wood we scrounged from
Our fathers’ garages. We built
Soap box racers with wheels
Copped from old baby buggies
Or roller skates, whatever, and
We’d race them down elevated
Driveways and hope they didn’t
Roll over with us when we turned
Onto the street. We built forts,
Dog houses, club headquarters
In our backyards. Then later those
With older brothers or enough
Money built crystal set radios
And some of those built real
High-fi radios from Heathkits.
Soldered our capacitors, tube
Sockets, resisters, rheostats
With our imprecise soldering
Irons and a lot of splashed
Solder. But when the damned
Thing was finished, the tubes
Glowed and the light behind
The dial cast a warm glow in
The basement. We’d hook
Them to old radio speakers and
For the first time we listened
To FM radio’s clear signal—
No AM static. We’d listen to
Classical stations, polkas, ethnic
Broadcasts in God-knows-what
European tongue, just because
It was better than AM. My cousins
Got heavy into all sorts of model
Airplanes. Simple self-assembled
Rubber band profile types you
Could buy in cellophane wrap at
A corner store. Then they moved
On to cutting sheets of stock
Balsa wood and glued stringers
To patterns for fuselages, wings,
Carved their own propellers, and
Bought special rubber from exotic
Foreign countries to provide
Longer lasting power. Eventually
They used tiny gas engines that
Could lift airplanes designed for
“Free flight.” You’d stand and
Just let them go skyward until they
Ran out of fuel and glided for
Minutes to return to earth. Some
Were so good at staying aloft we
Had to chase them in cars and
Retrieve them from another’s
Farm. I should mention my
Cousins lived in the sticks (now
Fully built-up Seven Hills). Last
They bought special radios and
Controls to bring their planes
Back. By then I had to leave.
The equipment was costly and
We didn’t have that kind of
Money. Somehow in those
Years we became young adults
With other things to do and
The word make took on
Another meaning altogether.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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