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At some point there should be a tie--and the race re-run |
Coming in a tenth of a second
Behind the first guy marks you
The “First Loser,” not quite as
Glamorous as the term “Second”
Was once regarded. I haven’t
Liked competition exactly for
That reason. In the world of
Contests, most notably sports,
“Almost as good” translates
Too simply to “not good enough.”
Not good enough for what?
Temporary glory? Such slight
Differences argue for revision
Of what is meant by winning
If the flutter of a leaf along the
Way can determine who won.
But what company wants to
Claim as spokesperson the one
Who came in second—“Yeah,
But the second guy wore the
Same brand shoes!" Sorry, no
Hefty contract for you! Nobody
Knows you. Who remembers the
Short list for last year’s Pulitzer?
Or National Book Award? Or the
Pritzker for architecture? I hate
The Oscars and Emmys but at
Least they show five nominated
For the top who get some notice.
But they don’t let you know
Whether the winners won by
Only one vote or massively
Trounced the others. Do they
Have a write-in procedure for
Some pearls not nominated?
No one elaborates on how
One offering or competitor
Was so much preferable to the
Rest. I’d like to hear the reasoning.
And what about the influence
Of studio-sponsored advertising?
You could make the same case in
Politics. Media covers campaigns
As horseraces—“Polls this week
Have Hooligan over Assface by
Sixteen points. That’s quite an
Upset in Michigan.” But they
Don’t dwell on issues short of
Misinterprable buzzwards: “He’s
A Socialist!” They’re not serving
The requirements of their licenses
If they don’t inform the public, yet
They’re allowed to rake in money
From campaigns as never before.
It’s in their interest that parties
Advertise excessively. Despite the
Corruption involved in making
Candidates for offices high or low
Devote a third to a half of their
Waking hours to drumming up
Support to pay the media bills.
When we, citizens, who really own
The airwaves, try to force the
Licensees to provide free airtime
To all candidates as part of campaign
Finance reform, media lobbyists
Howl as if we shrank their
Shoes. Would that be too fair—
Limiting ad budgets but giving
Each the same exposure? I can only
Imagine candidates so restricted
Would do everything possible to
Get free news coverage—juggling
Naked on Public Square, perhaps,
Or serving as judges for Dancing
With the Stars. Picking the winner
Is hard, harder yet when you control
Who gets to pick. We can only
Guess how many will be denied
Their chance to vote in this contest.
We still haven’t changed the rules
As I suggest they should in sports:
Winning by a tenth of a second? Not
Good enough. Re-race. Winning by
One vote? Out of how many
Millions? Don’t just recount—
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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