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Really? A right to bear very kind of weapon? Hand grenades? Bazookas?, |
A year ago I wrote that the slaughter
Of nine Black Christians in South
Carolina might be a story worthy
Of a great motion picture explicitly
Delineating the sin of American
Racism. I still believe that to be
True and I hope some artist is
Working in that direction. The
Slaying of fifty (so far) in the
The gay community of the Pulse
In Orlando, Florida, is similarly
Worthy of memorialization,
And not just because the killings
Are more numerous by a factor
Of five, or that the killer showed
Leanings to a recognized hate
Group, but that the so-called
Mature political officials of
The United States of America
Who pride themselves on their
Soundly established system of
Checks and balances is unable
To protect its citizens from maniacs
Who can easily obtain mass-murder
Weapons. There is significant human
Value in a story examining how
Hatred of persons for whatever
Reason comes to dominate the
Mind of some twisted bastard,
And I don’t wish to minimize
That in this commentary. But
Once we have gotten past the
Shock of such wanton death-dealing,
We must rebel against the forces
That keep us as a society from
Doing the only reasonable thing:
Restricting the sale of such
Weapons—not just to maniacs,
Felons, and children—but to
Everyone. Why in a society that
Calls itself a product of the
Enlightenment, should anyone
Possess such destructive power?
Is there a real reason for this
Capacity? I am firmly committed
To the notion that even collecting
Such instruments should be
Unlawful, since we have seen
More than once the terrible risk
Involved in that “freedom.”
That our politicians can be so
Easily cowed time and again
Not to do what is required is
A proof that something is seriously
Wrong with what we call our
Government. Incumbents may
Love their power too much,
They may be profiting too much
From their subservience to the
Gun manufacturers and their
Lobbyists, or they may be
Ultimately devoid of human
Morality, to sell you your dead
Child, black or gay, so they
Will not be turned from office
For doing the right thing.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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