When Bill Clinton was getting
Blowjobs under his desk from
A naive but adult intern was the
Country wrong to accuse him
Of impeachable actions? Or did
Feminists could line up on either
Side of the issue. Some could say
Ms. Lewinsky was of age and
Sufficiently independent to use

Have power (of a sort) over a
Man whose fingers (when they
Were not otherwise engaged)
Might have been on the doomsday
Button. Or on the other side of
The issue, was Ms. Lewinsky,
Despite her majority, a victim
Of sexual harassment of an order
Known only among men of such
Enormous power into whose
Trust these airheaded nymphets
Are gleefully given with parental
Approval? Shouldn’t "B-J" Clinton
Have not only been looking after
His own wayward behavior so as
Not to insult the office or the
People, but also the behavior of
Those innocents in his charge,
Rather than using the power of
The presidency to abuse a young
Woman like a Kleenex or a
Cigar tray? What does such
“Personal” (i.e., sexual) morality
Govern? I think a lot. I thought
A lot then, even more so now,
Especially in the light of the
Feminist outlook, the recognition
That “men” (the old boy network)
Have been getting away unscathed
For years for the way they treated
Women. The press had long known
Of presidential indiscretions but
Happily looked the other way (one
Of the benefits of being a powerful
White male). So many of my work
Associates similarly disregarded
Marital misbehavior, chalking it
Up to their irrepressible manliness.
Wives just have to accept their
Husbands having “a little something
On the side.” Many admitted
They had. It was expected. If
You didn’t, you were probably
Queer. But newsgathering got a
Bit more aggressive in 1987
When Senator Gary Hart was
Followed by a private investigator
To the home of a young woman
Where he spent the night. They
Wouldn’t let go and again nailed
Hart and Rice on a pleasure craft,
“Monkey Business,” doing a
Little more than enjoying a
Tete a tete. On the surface
People were more upset with
Clinton’s deception and lying,
“I did not have sexual relations
With that woman,” than they
Were about the dalliance. The
Left rushed to excuse his
Infractions claiming it was no
Worse than the Kennedys
Boffing Ms. Monroe of which
The public didn’t learn until
Too many conspiracy theories
Required setting the story straight.
I wonder if the rosary-toting
Babushkaed bopcki who went
To daily 8 o’clock mass took
Down the portraits of their
Catholic heroes when they learned
Of the philandering, or did they
Put another one up of Marilyn
Monroe between Bobbie and
Jack, breathed a sigh, and muttered
Something about boys
Being boys?
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