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Noon |
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7 PM |
You can see I’m losing ground
If you’ve been watching the
Blogdate. This is labeled for
The 26th but it’s really 9 PM
On the 27th. I’ve been removing
Stuff from the house and garage
Mostly taking it to a recycler for
Pennies or donating it to Habitat
For that wonderful “good all over”
Feeling you get when it all
Becomes somebody else’s problem.
Since I haven’t started into the
Clothes yet, mostly hardware
And furniture, it appears we
Have become a society that
Makes far more wire and
Doorknobs than we’ll ever
Need. Same goes for kitchen
Cabinets of which I just “Freed”
About seven uppers and one
Rotating base corner beauty
The door of which needed to
Be adjusted so it would hit
The detent for closure in the
Center rather than 2 inches off.
I concluded this problem could
Not be corrected unless someone
Propped the door at the exact
Center. That closed both sides.
How could one get inside to
Make the necessary adjustment?
Only a battery of elves could
Bring this off. I left it to them.
Hauled them out about noon.
All gone by 7 PM. Like giving
Away the rest of the puppies:
You hope they go to a good home.
Yet there is still a whopping
Amount to sell, donate, or pitch.
And I tire easily. The dog walk
Is a challenge now. We used to
Walk for miles (never four miles).
When we got home the dog
Would (not the dogwood) crash
And I’d move on to the next
Job. Now I crash with the dog
Whose doggie-years are like
My human ones. His frailties
Are showing up. His puppiness
Long gone. I can’t even get
My puppiness to show up in
My dreams. That would be
Some satisfaction. Those
Memories have to be pried
From time by crowbars of
Recollection, spurred by
Old pictures. Fragrances will
Bring some back even though
I wasn’t keen on scents in my
Youth (nor sense, either). If the
Body is the tool of life (keep it
Clean here) my edges have
Rusted and dulled with time
To the point where no amount
Of honing will restore them—
Except for my words, of course,
Which are getting harder to
Find, harder to join cleverly
To compel an emotion, convey
An experience, discover some
Novelty worth sharing. Mind
You now, it will likely only
Be commentary on what’s
Already out there. The well
May have gone dry.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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