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Aristotle's De Anima survived through Arab scholars |
Wake up there! Is consciousness
Anything more than the brain
Being in a state of receiving
Signals from its senses and
Indicating in some fashion that
The signals are being received,
As in, “Will you turn down that
Awful racket? A guy wants to
Sleep here.” Because to any Joe
Or Jane that’s not consciousness
As they see, hear, touch, or smell
It. Joe doesn’t see signals (neuronal
Spikes) anymore than Jane hears
Signals (neuronal spikes). Joe sees
A sunset; Jane hears a symphony.
But the signals (neuronal spikes)
Are indistinguishable when shown
On an oscillograph. The only thing
Different about them is their origin
And destination—left eye (Joe’s
Right eye was destroyed in a fight)
And right ear (Jane wears hearing
Aids since she is 85). Doctors who
Have opened the brain and inserted
Electrodes can cause a patient to
Hear or see something by electrically
Stimulating the proper neuronal
Path. Somewhat similarly (except
Without the gory surgery) subjects
Who are asleep will report seeing
Or hearing things, even doing things
While a recording of their bodies
In a darkened room, shows that
There was no light to see by, nor
Things to see, nor did their bodies
Move—swimming, playing tennis.
Attempting to explain what’s going
On here, researchers will describe
That subjects asleep are unconscious
To stimulation around them and at
The same time are conscious to
Stimulation within them—however
Disordered those experiences may
Be compared to waking states
Where basketballs don’t turn into
Octopi and we really didn’t fall,
Cradles and all, from the tree tops.
As I’ve written before this question
Has been puzzling philosophers
And scientists for centuries now
Without resolution. Variously
Known as the “butterfly dreaming
He is a man,” or the mind-body
Problem, or Descartes’s being
Certain he exists because he thinks,
Its more recent popular variations
Is the Matrix concept, whereby all
Humans are captive but electrically
Stimulated into false reality by
“Sentient” machines “who” (as
Opposed to “which’ have taken
Over all humanity except the
Really smart hackers who have
Escaped their control; another
Variant is the “Turing Test” whereby
A human being, through a series
Of questions, can determine
Whether the answerer (behind
A wall or screen) is an intelligent
Human being or one really
Smartass computer (intelligence
Here would be that consciousness
We accord to other human beings
Experiencing the world in as
Lively and direct a process as
We do). Through the centuries
Thinkers have said no, yes, and
Maybe. No, there is no homunculus
Answering the telephone in our brain,
or as Descartes had it sits curled up
In the pineal gland deciding how we
Live. Yes, we are indentical to our
Living composition--consciousness
May be a capacity of the same matter
That makes hammers and saws if
It organizes through "emergence" to
Be able to reflect on its actions
And survive. Maybe our organized
Activities arise from lowly matter
And survive in another state (New
Hampshire?) and we leave the
Body like the pneuma, the breath,
As the ancients thought. You can
See we’ve been thinking about
This unsuccessfully for a long time.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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