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Not quite the guy you want to see in your driver's side window on a fine Saturday afternoon |
You can surprise yourself every
Once in a while as I did last
Saturday in the W117th Giant
Eagle parking lot. The background
Eagle parking lot. The background
Is I drive slower than the thirty
Five for Franklin. It’s my
Neighborhood and I know the
Possibility of kids running out
From between cars parked along
The north side of the street.
It’s dangerous enough at thirty
So I do twenty-five. This can
So I do twenty-five. This can
Aggravate a driver behind me
Who, mindful of the No Passing
Double yellow stripes, may
Register his/her (typically, his)
Irritation by a little horn music.
I’ll usually pull aside and let
Them pass. Mind you it’s a rare
Circumstance because there
Isn’t that much traffic most
Of the time. That day, there
Of the time. That day, there
Was this BMW seven series who
Blasted me a couple times but
I had no place to pull aside. He
Then gunned his engine (which,
Surprised me by being so loud)
And roared past on the left,
Crossing the yellow lines, but
Those are for other people, not
BMW seven series types. The
Advantage proved minuscule
As we were both in the parking
Lot at the same time—he traveling
Toward the store and I traveling
Away from the store but in the
Same lane. A car pulled out; I
Pulled in. I had Loki with me so
I set the front windows to be
Open a smidge when a large
Face atop a large body loomed
Angrily at my car window. “I
Will give you two fucking seconds,
You pansy-assed shithead to get
Out of my parking space,” the
Face announced. I was shaken
Will give you two fucking seconds,
You pansy-assed shithead to get
Out of my parking space,” the
Face announced. I was shaken
But calm enough to counter,
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak your
Language,” which calmed him
Not a whit. “Don’t give me
Any crap about my language.
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak your
Language,” which calmed him
Not a whit. “Don’t give me
Any crap about my language.
You saw me pulling back
To let the guy out,” he seemed
To speak with his biceps
Which resembled small beer
Barrels. When I said I didn’t
Speak his language I thought
He’d catch on about the foul
Mouth but he didn’t. I shrugged
Again and he moved away as I
Opened the door to let myself
Out. I saw he had parked his car
On the other side of the lane
About two spots further. If he
Had been affronted, it wasn’t by
Much. He kept yelling about
My not speaking his language
As we walked toward the store—
He was ahead. I got in a pedantic
Mood and shouted up to him as
People watched and listened. “You
Know you really have to work
On that mouth of yours. It’s
Gonna get you in trouble one
Day,” I replied in a surprisingly
Aggressive (for me) tone. “You’re
Lucky we’re in a public space.”
“Is that a threat? So far it sounds
Like an assault. Do I have to call
A cop?” By now I couldn’t believe
Mild-mannered I could loud
Sass somebody, scared as I was.
Gotta admit I was shaking about
It through the shopping. Talking
To the policeman in the store
Didn’t calm me much. I can’t
Take comfort in my response
Which bore nothing of either
Satyagraha or Christian respect
For the offender.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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