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Doctors Without Borders' hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan, bombed by an American gunship, killing doctors and patients--yet to receive an independent investigation |
Krista Stone, my daughter-in-law,
Had posted a night photo of
Illuminated Instanbul on Facebook
Just a few hours before the world
Shook with the deaths and injuries
Of a terrorist attack at Ataturk, the
Instanbul airport. I wrote her moments
Ago that despite the horror of seeing
Such an event through security
Camera lenses we must still
Camera lenses we must still
Recognize we too contribute to
The body count of these wars.
Our Hellfire missiles and our
Cluster bombs wreak blinding
Energy on their victims as
Destructively as the suicide
Vests of terrorists, perhaps more
So. But we are not exposed to the
Carnage seconds later through
Sophisticated communications
Networks. I’m sure the Syrians,
Afghanis, Pakistanis, Iraqis, and
Yemenis have such films ready but
Western news media will not
Receive nor transmit them,
Receive nor transmit them,
Lest videos of our slaughter weaken
The resolve of the Western powers.
As surely they would much like
When brutality toward “our side”
Inflames our fervor for their
Deaths. There should be some
Fair and balanced reporting from
The abattoirs of conflict to allow
Us better to grasp what our war
Dollars are buying. Showing us
Only one side is a propaganda
Campaign to keep the war drums
Beating for the citizenry who are
Paying for it big time with their
Taxes, and for the unfortunate
Other 1%, with their sons and
Daughters, who if they return
At all, come back broken in
Body and mind and who often see
Suicide as the only way ultimately
To quell their demons. What of
Those on the opposite side?
Surely they see the suffering and
Desire its end as desperately as
We. Or have we rendered them so
Inhuman as not to want anything
Like peace, love, family, and
Brotherhood—children who are
Sound, whole, and entire, who
Can dream of a fulfilling life
As we do for our own? The
Manuals of war consistently
Point out that dehumanizing
The enemy is essential to enable
Soldiers to kill at the corporals’
Bidding. “Fire! Kill the Huns/
Gooks/ragheads.” Horrifically
Bidding. “Fire! Kill the Huns/
Gooks/ragheads.” Horrifically
The list goes on. Some joke we
Teach our population geography
By simply staging a war there--
Bosnia, Somalia, Grenada. We
Have far too many brave soldiers
And not enough courageous
And not enough courageous
Diplomats. War is a seductive
Mistress who is never satisfied
With a little killing. All must die—
The losers physically, the victors
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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