Monday, May 2, 2016

20160502 (juxtapose)

Mr. Obama who continues the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc.
Helen Mirren, star of film and TV, wore
purple in memory of Prince, neither of
whom has/had anything to do with

Reverend Daniel Berrigan, S.J., whose
protest leadership helped end the war in

That Reverend Dan Berrigan, S.J.,

Died the day of the White House 

Correspondents’ Dinner raises the

Opportunity to draw meaningful

Comparisons between his life

And that of those fete-ing in that

Galabash of self-congratulatory

Power-wigs, sycophants, and

Celebrity worshippers. I’d like

To think if I were the president

I’d avoid it at all costs. To nosh

With those whose so-called

Career it is to be picking over 

My bones at every moment

Runs counter to my dedication

To an open, transparent style of

Governance. I wouldn’t want 

The public’s investigators to be

Compromised in any way. Their

Role is to be respectful and civil

To those who govern. For them

To be congenial or worse friendly

Might slow them in their task

Of searching every miscreance,

Every failure. No, let them eat

In peace, free to praise their

Heroes without power’s shadow

Of approbation or displeasure

Darkening the evening. Will

Someone tell me why Helen Mirren

Was there and why she received

Such a fawning, obsequious notice?

What business had Hollywood 

Hangers-on there? A great place 

To display slim bodies for publicity

Who had no part in ferreting truth.

Was there even a mention of

Dan Berrigan’s departure? I wasn’t

There, I didn’t hear. What a 

Remonstrance it would have been

To note the passing of (which would

Be noting the existence of)

Voices raised against imperialism

In the capitol of the empire. It 

Would make people remember 

Those who have been locked 

Away for the truth—Chelsea

Manning, forgotten by most

Of the people in that room, 

Edward Snowden, exiled by the

Threat of suppression from the

Country he loves and served.

Many of my favorite journalists

Would not attend—I. F. Stone, 

Who owed no one for his facts, 

George Seldes, whose motto 

Was, “Tell the truth and run,”

And the Muckrakers of the early 

Twentieth century. Let it remain

A Stars’ Night Out if that’s your 

Idea of reportage, where the 

President unashamedly laments 

(But does not condemn) the

Corporatization of news, the

Elimination of eager, aggressive

Foreign bureaus from the media.

It would seem they’d rather have

Their lions toothless, docile,

And obedient.

c. J.S.Manista, 2016

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