Friday, May 27, 2016

20160527 (disappoint)

The belief that humankind is locked into an immoral use of power to preserve itself is true cynicism

There are some topics I will not 

Share, so blogging as my “journal

Keeping” is not entirely forthright

Though I often feel I should begin

“Dear Diary, . . . “ without fear of 

Public disclosure since it appears

Nobody reads these. Fighting off

The urge to spill a few beans, I’m

Going on to discuss what I hope

Will be a neutral subject, if not

Inflammatory. (Oh, who am I 

Kidding?) This’ll be a rant on

Obama’s behavior at the cenotaph

Of the vaporized, incinerated,

Mutilated, and fatally irradiated

Dead of Hiroshima. Generally I

Am in favor of Obama at the site

But I am thoroughly disappointed

At his not making an apology for

The killing in World War II. 

Certainly there are all sorts of 

Reasons not to make an apology

If you accept the notion that we

Of humanity are here only to grab

As much as we can, to shove away

As many as we can, and to secure

Awesome sovereignty over all

Others as long as we can. That’s 

Not my idea of humanity. If I

Can state my case without appeal

To my religious beliefs, I totally

Foreswear our treasured belief

In our “exceptionalism,” our

National delusion. If anything

Makes us exceptional it is our 

Noted readiness to kill every 

And any one around us. It is not

Enough to lay a wreath at the 

Grave of innocents, proclaiming

Nuclear war must be avoided

In the future while back home

Advocating refreshment of our

Hideous overkill capacity for

A trillion dollars to be taken 

From the mouths of our own

Innocents, from our poor, and

Our uneducated for another

Thirty years and, when of the

Recognized nuclear powers,

We have been reducing our 

Stockpiles slower than all the

Others who have so pledged.

Imagine for a moment what 

President Obama could have

Said at this auspicious opportunity:

“I want to apologize on behalf

Of the people of the United 

States for the cruel and wanton

Killing of so many thousands of

Japanese citizens, not just through

Atomic bombing of this city 

And Nagasaki, but also for all

The incendiary bombing of so

Many of your cities which killed

Far more of your innocent aged,

Children, and non-combatant

Civilians than those who died

Here. Inspired by these dead I 

Will return home, committed again,

As I once so prominently was, 

To the elimination of these

Weapons and of all war as a 

Way to settle disputes among

the nations of the earth. We

Are soon to remember our own 

War dead, the war dead of all 

Nations, and there is no better

Way to honor those who gave

Their lives than to end the reign

Of demonic power in the 

Relations of nations all over

The world.”

c. J.S.Manista, 2016

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