Thursday, May 12, 2016

20160513 (flaw)

Neuroscientist Jim Fallon found that his brain scan was identical to the brain scans of sociopathic  killers.*

George Zimmerman is auctioning

The gun he used to kill Trayvon

Martin. Everyone questions, “How

Sick is that?” Our age, so given

To psychotherapy, has to see evil

In some well defined category—

Classified, at least, as if that made

It controllable. Rather scary to 

Think human activity can be so

Disordered without exculpatory

Rationale—that can’t be the right

Word certainly. No “normal,

Well-adjusted person” could act

So insensitively. We’re so relieved

When brain scans show unusual

Activity that seems to correlate

With criminal impulse. Life gets

Just the tiniest bit safer when the

Felons confess regretting what

They’ve done: “I don’t really

Know how it happened. I had a

Rage that couldn’t be satisfied.

I kept hitting and hitting him

Until there was nothing left to

Strike.” A rage, ah yes, a rage.

We’ve all been angry near that 

Point. What makes some of us

Stop and others not? If only we

Could point to some wound,

A broken organ, to remove our

Choosing from us. Would that

We could see the cause advancing,

Like a rash or bruise, we’d know

To take it to a clinic. Prior ages

Thought one had a demon, another

Actual being come to take over.

Can you blame them? They could

See no outward causes. Fevers

Drove men mad they thought

Despite the lingering fear that

Men had fevers because they had

Demons. Terrible as it is, still

There’s comfort in discovering

The tumors in the brain which 

Explain why the beloved shrieks

All day in agony until exhausted.

Much as we’d like we can’t scan

Zimmerman’s brain without his

Permission. We can’t autopsy

Hitler’s ashes. Those sad football

Stars who have agreed their brains

Shall be analyzed after death

To find how much damage

Occurred in their games, do so,

If not to end the games, maybe to

Reduce future injury in others.

But of the healthy killers, what 

To make of them: no pathologic

Upbringing, no unbalanced

Hormonal functioning, grew up

In surroundings sometimes better

But often not worse that any we

Encounter, what takes them to

The edge of common morality

And drops them off? Statistics?

Bad luck? One of every thousand

Will covet too much, will risk

A reputation and get away with

It? Temptation and evil? If there’s

No driving force, then anyone of

Us could do evil--under the right


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