Monday, January 4, 2016

20160109 (spaceflight)

Personal space flight will remain a dream if we care about the atmosphere.

Funny a sci-fi freak like me

Is a Debbie-Downer for the

Personal space travel experience

Promised by Space-X* and

Blue Origin**. Gotta think

Such a waste of effort however

Thrilling such a flight could

Conceivably be. Even wanting 

To shoot yourself and a few

Friends indicates you have no

Grasp of the global warming

Process and the damage

Inherent in that kind of travel.

If you’re thinking up and down

Travel being studied by Space-X,

Blue Origin, Burt Rutan***, and 

Others would simply be hydrogen

As fuel and oxygen for oxidizer

(Technical terms here, forgive)

Resulting in only water exhausted

Think again. Liquid oxygen

And hydrogen when burned

Deliver a high specific impulse,

Meaning for the volume of fuel

Used they deliver a lot of energy

In terms of added motion to the

Vehicle. Unfortunately they

Cannot provide enough thrust

To get the vehicles off the pad.

Fuels of higher mass must be

Used to generate lifting thrust

Which is why hydrogen-oxygen

Is used for second- and third- 

Stage engines and first-stage

Engines consume heavier

Molecular weight fuels. I hope

I haven’t lost you. First stages

Are often assisted by solid-fuel

Boosters, as notoriously dirty

As they are powerful. So if

We’re talking the one thousand

Or so flights per month expected

For the personal space jumps

Rutan, Blue Origin, and Space-X

Hope to offer (to make a profit)

That’s a lot of rocket soot, C02

And other crap being flung into

The atmosphere, mostly between

The pad and the shut-off elevation,

That is the lower portion, where

Combustion products are released.

The rocket and its gleeful but

Weightless passengers will

Coast to apogee (highest point),

Begin their fall back to earth,

Still weightless until the parachutes

Pop to slow their descent. Both

Space-X and Blue Origin will

Restart their first stages, burning

Almost as much fuel as the initial

Ascent to land like a pencil on

An X-marked site. In case you’re

Thinking massively rich people

Do not waste their money on

Foolhardy and vain investments,

Have another think, wouldja?

As much as I like adventure I'd

Rather breathe.

c. J.S.Manista, 2016

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